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The USBC fights for legislation that promotes small business growth, particularly policies that address the challenges of Black business owners. We understand the importance of maintaining a bipartisan approach to advocacy, and hence, collaborate with policymakers from all political affiliations to advocate for policies that best serve the interest of the Black community.

Access to Capital

Capital access remains the most important factor limiting the establishment, expansion and growth of Black-owned businesses. The USBC works with financial institutions, particularly Black-owned institutions, to create avenues by which Black businesses can gain greater access to credit, capital and other financial instruments.


At the USBC, our goal is to level the playing field by helping members gain access to business opportunities in the private and public sectors. We accomplish this by educating members on contract opportunities, helping them increase their capacity to vie for large scale contracts, and offering resources and information that enhance Black owners’ ability to compete.

Entrepreneur Training

The USBC is committed to helping Black business leaders achieve stellar performance and growth through entrepreneur and business management training. Hence, we deliver quality educational opportunities and professional development resources that help our members manage and grow successful businesses.

Chamber Development

The growth and development of Black chambers of commerce is a core focus of the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. As such, we leverage our role as a national organization, provide technical assistance and leadership training to member chambers, assist with the establishment of new Black chambers, and facilitate the sharing of best practices and industry data among our members. To do this, we utilize a variety of mechanisms including, training, web-based tools, peer networking, coaching, and information products.