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News Events CategoryPr 2020

Unafraid, Unapologetic, and Unwilling

By December 24, 2024December 26th, 2024No Comments
March on Washington
The U.S. Black Chambers calls for justice reform, voter protection, and increased federal aid for Black-owned businesses
Washington, DC– In honor of the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington the U.S. Black Chambers (USBC) released the following statement:
“We are unafraid, unapologetic, and unwilling to continue to allow brutality and systemic harm against Black Americans.
Today we march on behalf of our 145 chambers, 332,000 members, and all those who stand on the right side of justice. We urge Congress to get serious about justice reform, voter protection, and federal aid set-asides for Black-owned businesses.
It is unAmerican to allow the economic, socioeconomic, and physical cruelty against Black Americans to continue, especially considering the free labor our ancestors contributed to building America’s infrastructure and wealth, wealth that modern day White Americans still benefit from.
We demand justice reform, voter protection, and increased federal aid for Black-owned businesses,” says USBC President Ron Busby.
About USBC: The U.S. Black Chambers (USBC) is the voice of Black business owners and a top advocate for resources and policies that support Black-owned businesses. To learn more visit:
August 28, 2020
Media Inquiries:
Krystal Glass

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