APRIL 7, 2022 – WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Small Business Administration (SBA) announced changes to its revenue-based size standards across 16 sectors that increase eligibility for Black firms to benefit from SBA contracting assistance programs. This change followed a series of proposed rules and public comment period, in which USBC was an active participant, advocating for continued access to SBA programs for small Black-owned firms. As a result of widespread advocacy, the SBA’s new size standards will enable 59 million new firms access to SBA programs and will create upwards of $1 billion in procurement opportunities.
Ron Busby Sr. President and CEO of the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc, said the following: “The US Black Chambers welcomes this change at the SBA, as we have long fought for a revision of size standards that enable more Black firms the flexibility to benefit from SBA programs, especially through SBA contracting assistance. The SBA heard our concerns and adjusted industry size standards accordingly to create a more inclusive and diverse procurement ecosystem in the United States. We are proud to be the leading advocate for expanding federal contracting opportunities to Black firms and recognize this change as a great step towards reducing barriers that stand in the way of Black firms’ access to federal contracts. We commend this change on behalf of Black businesses nationwide and look forward to our continued engagement with the SBA on this issue.”
The US Black Chambers, Inc. participated in a widespread effort to enhance SBA contracting assistance programs last fall. USBC has long recognized that certified 8(a) Black-owned firms face the danger of losing their 8(a) status after seeing increased revenue to their business due to SBA program assistance. These changes will ensure that Black firms can continue to utilize resources at the SBA to grow their businesses without fear of losing their 8(a) status prematurely. We once again commend this effort at the SBA and look forward to the ways we can continue to be of service to improving the agency for all. To read USBC’s federal comment letter